About Me
Lindsey Treadaway
Lindsey is an Intown Atlanta resident and a familiar face at neighborhood spots. To put it simply, she knows Atlanta. That puts her clients in the best hands, gaining a partner who knows the when, where, and how of Atlanta Real Estate.
Each seller or buyer that she works with benefits from her years of expertise in design, executive management, sales, and pricing that eliminate the guesswork and gets to the heart of what needs to happen to get the job done.

Lindsey is known for her custom approach to property sales and marketing.
Her background in editorial marketing and complex negotiations help her build high-visibility property promotions and guide her clients all the way through to their goal.

Let’s work together.
LT Premier Portfolio
Your Intown Atlanta neighbor & Luxury Midtown REALTOR®. Experts in sales and editorial marketing for homes.
Harry Norman | The Intown Office | 1518 Monroe Drive NE. Suite E, Atlanta, GA 30324 | 404-897-5558
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We are an equal housing opportunity provider. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex,national origin, religion, disability or familial status (having children under age 18).
3525 Piedmont Road NE, Building 5, Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30305 (404) 665-4663